We are health lawyers in Ontario, Canada who help clients protect their families. We serve clients 1:1 and, frankly, it's not enough. It's difficult to have the level of impact we want. It's hard to help people who cannot afford a lawyer (being a caregiver can be expensive!). And sometimes people need legal information in 15 minute time-slots, or at three in the morning. We want to do better. Cue Kinkeeper™: an online platform we've created where family caregivers can come and learn practical information about health law on their own schedule, for the fraction of a price meeting a lawyer one-on-one. We are so excited about this platform and would love to hear your thoughts on what kinds of content we should create for you. We are starting with online courses but we have big plans to do more!
Our very first course is all about guardianship. This course is for you if you want to learn more about whether your loved one needs a guardian of property, and how you can go about becoming one.
Parents of a child with a developmental disability who has just turned 18 are a perfect fit for the course. There is usually not a dire urgency, there isn't a confusing financial portfolio, and typically no family conflict over who gets to be the guardian.
This course is also for you if the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT) is currently acting as guardian of property for your loved one, and you would like to take over as guardian.
For complex matters it is usually best to seek legal advice and this course may not be right in those cases.
through a difficult time?